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Ins and Outs of Entrepreneurship

Nothing is easy. If you want to do nothing, that’s easy.
Author Unknown
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
Bill Gates
American Businessman, Microsoft Founder
Make sure that the best thing to happen to your customer today is you.
Christopher Chanski
VP Sales & Marketing, Illes Foods
Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
Dale Carnegie
American Writer and Lecturer
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the entrepreneur adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward
Often Quoted Writer of Inspirational Maxims
Customers don’t want 1/4 drills, they want 1/4 holes.
Ted Levitt
Professor, Harvard Business School
With Early Stage companies, it’s never one thing. It’s always one thing after another.
Tim Cartwright
CEO, Tamiami Angels
One can learn to cook, but a restaurateur is born.
The New Larousse Gastronomique
A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.
Vinod Khosla
Venture Capital Investor
You can’t innovate once.
Tracey Riese
Early Stage Investor
Smart MFs sound like Crazy MFs to Dumb MFs.
Jack Williams
Neatness rejects involvement.
Keith Dierberg
American Retailer
Purpose is not a mere tagline or marketing campaign, it is a company’s fundamental reason for being.
Larry Fink
CEO, Black Rock, Inc.
You can fool all the people all of the time – if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough.
Joseph E. Levine
American Film Producer
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
American Poet, Singer, Memoirist and Civil Rights Activist
The less money you need, the harder it is to run out.
Paul Graham
Computer Scientist, Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, Author and Essayist
A man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.
Mark Twain
American Writer, Humorist, Entrepreneur, Publisher and Lecturer
Failing is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit.
Michael Eisner
CEO, The Walt Disney Company
You can’t demand a withdrawal from someone you have not invested in.
Michael Bonner
Second Grade Teacher, South Greenville Elementary, Greenville, North Carolina
Big companies are amazing at coming up with reasons not to do things.
Tim Walsh
CEO, Ready Credit
Facts tell. Stories sell.
Tom Big Al Schreiter
Network Marketer
Typos in your presentation tell your investors how carefully you plan to manage their money.
The customer of my customer is my customer.
Author Unknown
It’s not success you want to be remembered for, but significance.
David Mas Masumoto
Author, “Wisdom of the Last Farmer”
Better salesperson always beats better product.
Cem Erdem
Founder, Entrepreneurs Rally
Done equals good.
David Silverman
American Animator
If you watch entrepreneurs long enough, you observe that innovation is typically a ground game, not a Hail Mary pass.
Eric Schurenberg
Inc, - December 2015/January 2016
It’s not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.
Warren Buffett
American Investor
Being a great entrepreneur is doing all the things you love to do on the days you don’t feel like doing them.
Adapted from Julius Erving
Profit gives us resources.
Ingvar Kamprad
Swedish Business Magnate, Founder of IKEA
An entrepreneur is someone who shoots an arrow and then runs to move the target, so the arrow hits it.
Dick Rennick
CEO of American Leak Detection
Trying to come up with a great idea is not a great idea. Go for quantity over quality.
Matthew Diffee
New York Consultant
The public wants what it can’t get.
Diana Vreeland
Fashion Columnist and Editor
Dad always used to say, ‘Tell me a fact, and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth, and I’ll believe. But tell me a story, and it will live in my heart forever.’
Ed Sabol
I often tell would-be entrepreneurs that you have to be a little crazy or even masochistic to choose this life. The energy, endurance, optimism and just plain thick skin required aren’t for the faint of heart.
Don Smithmier
Small Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Songwriter
I believe that smart people working hard will eventually get lucky.
Erwin Kelen
Veteran Minneapolis Investor
If you‘re the smartest person in the room, you haven’t hired well.
Rory Brown
President, Bleacher Report
I think strategic planning is the antithesis of building a corporation.
Jeff Skilling
CEO, Enron before serving 14 years in prison
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.
Groucho Marx
American Comedian, Writer, Stage, Film, Radio and TV Star
After 35 years, there is not a shred of evidence that stock-based compensation by company officers is correlated with company performance.
Roger Martin
Professor and Non-Fiction Writer
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill
English Statesman
We hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.
Steve Jobs
CEO and Co-Founder, Apple, Inc.
You cannot control cattle at a high rate of speed. They have the capacity to tire out and just stand there, and they will not move. Slow is fast – cattle don’t wear a wristwatch.
Scotty Hawkeye Harman
Head Wrangler, Colorado Cattle Company
A financier is a pawnbroker with imagination.
A.W. Pinero
English Actor, Dramatist and Stage Director
Even if the situation or challenge is very complex, usually the simplest solution is the one to go with.
Roxanne Quimby
Founder, Burt's Bees
Good enough never is.
Debbi Fields
Founder of Mrs. Fields Bakeries
Proving it will be a homerun ahead of the swing is impossible! You have to try for a hit first and sometimes it turns into a homerun.
Katherine Moore
I don’t like investors. When you take money, you’re typically setting the stage to get out. It’s about multiples and math at that point. It’s not about product. It’s not about customers. It’s just about growth. And that, to me, is a perverted sense of what business is about. Business to me is about making something great, treating your employee’s great, treating your customer’s great, adding something good to the world that wasn’t there before.
Jason Fried
Founder of project management software company Basecamp Inc.’s annual GrowCo conference in 2014
Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more.
Edward H. Harriman
American Businessman
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.
Italian Sculptor, Painter, Architect and Poet
Complaining is not a strategy.
Jeff Bezos
CEO, Amazon
You can’t really run the company by pissing off the scientists who do the work.
Erwin Kelen
Veteran Minneapolis Investor
We were given some great advice early on: Strategy is what you don’t do. Whenever we do anything, we ask ourselves, ‘Is this true to Warby Parker?’
Neil Blumenthal
Co-CEO, Warby Parker
Content is king but context is the kingdom.
Amy Ferris
Head of Global Marketing, Apple Media Sales
Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is, I don’t know which half.
John Wanamaker
Department Store Magnate
It is very hard to find any evidence which shows that a focus on maximizing shareholder value actually maximizes shareholder value.
Roger Martin
Professor and Non-Fiction Writer
At the opening of the Hoover Dam, a beaver told a rabbit: ‘Well, I didn’t build it. But it’s based on my idea.
Author Unknown
A principle isn’t worth anything if it doesn’t cost you.
Bob Goldstein
CEO of Sonen Capital
Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Author Unknown
If you’ve gotten to the point where you are thinking it might be time to think about replacing the founder, its past time to replace the founder.
Tom Evans
Advertising is art serving capitalism.
Jeff Goodby
American Advertising Executive
The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead.
John Maynard Keynes
British Economist
The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually, they are far less valuable.
Raymond Tusk
“House of Cards” Character
When the rate of change outside exceeds the rate of change inside, the end is in sight.
Jack Welch
Chairman/CEO, GE
Start working with your prospects as if they’ve already hired you.
Jill Konrath
Sales Strategist, Speaker and Author
I see the light when I feel the heat.
Everett Dirksen
U.S. Senator-Illinois (1959-1969)
On ne règne sur les âmes que par le calme. (One leads by calm.)
Winston Churchill
English Statesman
Think like an entrepreneur. Create like an innovator. Perform like a teammate.
Kevin Plank
CEO, Under Armour
Great advertising can make food taste better, can make your car run smoother.
George Lois
Until we have an exit, we Angel investors are just donors.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
Talk low, talk slow and don’t say too much.
John Wayne
American Actor
There’s no decision you should ever make that would embarrass you if it became public.
Mary Barra
CEO, General Motors
The best sales professionals are experts in and advocates for their buyers. They won’t represent companies they don’t believe in. They won’t get on a call without being prepared to make the most of their and their prospect’s time. They know how to leverage every technology, colleague and contact to augment their skills in order to produce optimal outcomes. They welcome coaching, exercise discipline with their time, do their homework and win for the team. They are true athletes.
Stephen Denton
CEO, Ware2Go
A recent study found that intense tedium is a major contributing factor in the desire for an early death. I just made that up. But I’ll be we could pay for research that would find that.
Stanley Bing (Gil Schwartz)
Humorist and Novelist (Pen Name for Gil Schwartz)
It’s one thing to be wrong about the valuation. It’s another to be wrong about the business model.
Mary Meeker
American Venture Capitalist
Done is better than perfect.
Sheryl Sandberg
COO, Facebook
If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.
Winston Churchill
English Statesman
One of the hardest truths for any technologist to hear is that success or failure in business is rarely determined by the quality of the technology.
Gregory Heisler
Professional Photographer
I hate any advertisement that pretends to know me. You’re not my friend. You’re a company.
Igor Hiller
Online Marketing Manager
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.
Edward John Phelps, Esq.
Founder of American Bar Association
The meek shall inherit the earth – but not its mineral rights.
J. Paul Getty
American Financier
If I’m the smartest guy in the room, I’m in the wrong room.
Alexander Crowell
Managing Director, PureTerra Ventures
I don’t want a lawyer who tells me what I can’t do. I hire a lawyer to tell me how to do what I want to do!
J. P. Morgan
American Financier
A business exists to create a customer.
Peter Drucker
American Management Consultant, Educator and Author
There’s a price to pay for the price you pay.
Tom Vettel
Executive Coach and Advisor
You can’t talk yourself out of a problem you’ve behaved yourself into. You must behave yourself out!
Stephen R. Covey
American Educator, Author, Businessman and Keynote Speaker
Strategy – is figuring out what is the most important thing for your company and deciding to focus on it and say no to everything else.
Anonymous Venture Capital Investor
Price is what you pay, value is what you get.
Peter Drucker
American Management Consultant, Educator and Author
For some entrepreneurs it’s better to be never than late.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
This way to the egress.
P.T. Barnum
Barnum’s American Museum (1841-1865)
To be persuasive, we must be believable. To be believable, we must be credible. To be credible, we must be truthful.
Edward R. Murrow
American Broadcast Journalist and War Correspondent
There’s no business not like show business.
Fran Lebowitz
American Author and Public Speaker
95% of Initial Coin Offerings give the rest a bad name.
Dror Futter, Esq.
Partner, Rimon Law
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Winston Churchill
English Statesman
Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don’t tell.
Lisa Stone
CSO, Ellevest
Many angels have seen more deals than they can remember. Some remember more homeruns than they have seen.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
There are only two problems in business: 1. Not enough orders. 2. Not enough capacity to ship the orders.
Erwin Kelen
Veteran Minneapolis Investor
You’ll see it when you believe it.
Wayne Dyer
American Philosopher, Author and Motivational Speaker
It’s not a good strategy until it costs you something to pursue.
Bob Goldstein
CEO of Sonen Capital
I’m sure that you’re trying to challenge yourself to invent something new. That’s impossible.
Virgil Abloh
American Fashion Designer
In my next life, I will try to commit more errors.
Jorge Luis Borges
Argentine Short-Story Writer, Essayist, Poet and Translator
The seven smartest words in the English language are: ‘I don’t know, but I’ll find out.’
Larry Lucchino
Former President and CEO, Boston Red Sox
Listening to advice often accomplishes far more than heeding it.
Malcolm Forbes
American Entrepreneur
A joint venture is two parties in the same bed with different dreams.
Robert H.B. Baldwin
Chairman, Morgan Stanley
The four most dangerous words in investing are: This time it’s different.
John Templeton
Founder, Templeton Funds
Purpose motivates employees better than profit. They are proud if they can say, ‘Our company is making the world cleaner, the food healthier.’
Feike Sijbesma
Dutch Business Executive
Startup companies don’t do better just because you throw more money at them.
Jeff Hinck
Partner, Rally Ventures
Anyone who has ever taken a shower has had a great idea.
Nolan Bushnell
Founder of Atari
Someone needs to do something about this.
Julia Louis Dreyfus as Selina Meyer
Fictional Character, “Veep”
I look for businesses in which I think I can predict what they’re going to look like in ten to fifteen years’ time.
Warren Buffett
American Investor
But that is what fashion is about, when you look at something, and you aren’t sure if you like it or not.
Jonathan Skow
Fashion Designer and Photographer
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
American Polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S.
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
If you have no idea how something is supposed to be done, I guarantee you’ll be disruptive. Let what you don’t know become your greatest asset.
Sara Blakely
Founder of Spanx
Working a little harder to keep a customer now is a lot smarter than working a lot harder later to get a new customer.
Jill Griffin
Personal Coach and Keynote Speaker
Organizations resist innovation because people are more comfortable with what they know than what they don’t.
Michael Bloomberg
American Businessman, Politician, Author and Philanthropist
Corporations don’t have morals.
Gordon Wade
Vice President/General Manager Nestle Purina North America
Our mission is to delight people who appreciate quality of life.
Illycaffè S.p.A.
Coffee Company
An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
American Essayist
There’s only one boss: the customer. He can fire everybody from the chairman on down simply by spending his money elsewhere.
Sam Walton
Retailer/Founder of Walmart
The most dangerous phrase in the language is ‘We’ve always done it this way.’
Grace Hopper
American Computer Scientist and U.S. Navy Rear Admiral
The amount of money start-ups raise in their seed and Series A rounds is inversely correlated with success. Yes, I mean that. Less money raised leads to more success.
Fred Wilson
Union Square Ventures (1961-Present)
After you ask a closing question, SHUT UP! The next person who speaks loses.
Jeffrey Gitomer
Author, Motivational Speaker and Business Trainer
I just invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what I’ve invented.
Buckminster Fuller
American Architect, Systems Theorist, Author, Designer, Investor and Futurist
Be careful – a little success can create a whole lot of overhead.
Charles (Red) Scott
American CEO and Business Coach
Deliberately obsolete your product. Do this by raising expectations for the category and ‘reinventing’ your brand in the eyes of the consumer. Nothing puts more pressure on a competitor.
Durk Jager
American Businessman
If you have perfect customer analytics, you will know how to find people who look like your current customer. But if you focus only on them, you will never get any new business.
Jim Pavelich
Owner, Northside Kitchen, Avon, CO
If you don’t know where you’re going, any road’ll take you there.
Lewis Carroll
Author, “Alice in Wonderland”
The first person you lead is you.
John C. Maxwell
American Author, Speaker and Pastor
Being early and being wrong are sometimes not that different.
David ibnAle
Investment Banker
Many things are improbable, only a few are impossible.
Elon Musk
Business Magnate and Investor
All of Wendy’s spins off one fresh word – FRESH
Dave Thomas
Founder of Wendy’s
Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.
Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi
Discoverer of Vitamin C
If I can’t make money in the $5 trillion U.S. market, it may be a little bit of wishful thinking to think that all I have to do is get a few thousand miles offshore and I’ll start showing my stuff.
Warren Buffett
American Investor
My advice on firing is simple. Treat that person the same way you’d want to be treated if you were in that situation. They’re still a good person, just not the right fit.
Mary Barra
CEO, General Motors
To understand a company, spend time with its customers.
Charles (Red) Scott
American CEO and Business Coach
Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it’s amazing what they can accomplish.
Sam Walton
Retailer/Founder of Walmart
It’s so much easier to suggest solutions when you don’t know too much about the problem.
Malcolm Forbes
American Entrepreneur
I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I don’t have a lot of regrets.
Ed Stack
CEO/Owner, Dick’s Sporting Goods
Every time I look at my yacht, I think of the 30X exits on one of my investments. I don’t have a yacht.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
Entrepreneurship exists in the tiny space between madness and genius; and, its journey requires a few cross border violations across both madness and genius to get to the final destination.
The Herd Instinct
The four most important words in business are ‘What do you think?’
J.W. Bill Marriott
Partners don’t pay each other, they help each other get paid.
Tech Coast Angels
Innovation is the only insurance against irrelevance; the only guarantee of long-term customer loyalty.
Gary Hamel
London Business School
It’s so much easier to do something new than to do something well.
Author Unknown
Take my factories and my money but leave me my salesmen and I’ll be back where I was in two years.
Andrew Carnegie
American Industrialist
Never mistake a clear view for a short distance.
Paul Saffo
Technology Forecaster
We’re not trying to entertain the critics… I’ll take my chances with the public.
Walt Disney
Co-Founder, The Walt Disney Company
The job of tech transfer manager is to make something happen – without getting fired.
Head of Tech Transfer, Top Ten Research University
Integrity is a binary state. You either have it or you don’t
John Doerr
Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield
People fire themselves.
Jim Pavelich
Owner, Northside Kitchen, Avon, CO
I worship entrepreneurs. They do more than anyone thinks is possible – with less than anyone thinks is possible.
John Doerr
Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield
The power of compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.
Albert Einstein
Theoretical Physicist: Developed the Theory of Relativity
If you don’t listen to your customers, someone else will.
Sam Walton
Retailer/Founder of Walmart
In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then happen faster than you thought they could.
Rüdiger Dornbusch
German Economist
Change before you have to.
Jack Welch
Chairman/CEO, GE
The biggest thing about negotiating: You’ve got to make sure you’re trying to construct a good deal for them.
Al Hoffman, Jr.
Real Estate Developer, Former U.S. Ambassador to Portugal
Learn to sell and you will never starve.
George Foreman
Heavyweight Champion, Appliance Pitchman
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.
Judith Martin
“Miss Manners,” American Journalist, Author and Etiquette Authority
Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.
Warren Buffett
American Investor
A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
American Baptist Minister and Activist
Choice is the enemy of decision.
Guy Kawasaki
Author, “The Art of the Start”
The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing.
Josh Silverman
CEO, Etsy
Problems don’t age well.
John Seffrin
CEO, American Cancer Society
If you take comfort in anti-dilution clauses you probably believe in lifetime guarantees.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
History has shown that incumbents tend to fight trends that challenge established ways and, in the process, lose focus on what matters most: customers. Customers always win.
Jason Kilar
Board Member, DreamWorks Animation, CEO, WarnerMedia
Solving big problems is easier than solving little problems.
Sergey Brin
Co-Founder, Google
We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.
Warren Buffet
American Investor
When you need money, go ask for advice. When you need advice, go ask for money.
Author Unknown
We’re not funding Mother Teresa. We’re funding imperial, will-to-power people who want to crush their competition.
Marc Andreessen
Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
Advertising cannot sell a poor product. It might induce people to try it once. But it cannot build an enduring business on such a product.
Howard Morgens
Charmain of the Board, The Procter & Gamble Company
Decide what your [company] purpose is and write it down. That way, you won’t lie to yourself.
Tom Wilson
CEO, Allstate Insurance
More startups die of indigestion than starvation.
Bill Garley
Venture Capitalist: Benchmark
Expedite the inevitable.
Kevin Plank
CEO, Under Armour
The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by those that got there first.
Steven Tyler
Lead Singer, Aerosmith
I don’t try to reinvent the wheel. I just try to change the spokes.
Brian Granger
Associate Professor California Polytechnic
You can’t make a good deal with a bad person.
Warren Buffett
American Investor
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse.
Henry Ford
Business Magnate, Founder of Ford Motor Company
Face-to-face contact will give you the edge over your competitors every time.
Joanne Black
Author and Speaker
Building a great company is necessary but insufficient for building a great investment.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
The best audience is intelligent, well-educated and a little drunk.
Alben W. Barkley
35th U.S. Vice President
Failure and invention are inseparable twins. To invent you have to experiment.
Jeff Bezos
CEO, Amazon
To do a common thing, uncommonly well, brings success.
Henry John Heinz
Vegetable Processor (1876)
Raising your first VC round can be like bobbing for piranhas.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits.
Don Ward
The Comedy Store Founder
When assessing ‘first mover advantage’ remember that mousetraps demonstrate the wisdom of being the second mouse.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
Having money is no reason to spend it.
Erwin Kelen
Veteran Minneapolis Investor
Our company is guided by three deeply held beliefs: That brands with purpose grow, companies with purpose last and people with purpose thrive.
Alan Jope
CEO, Unilever
If you don’t have a business, what do you do for aggravation?
Fred Drasner
Chairman/CEO, Vehicle Production Group LLC
Investing is about meeting people’s needs.
Mo Ibrahim
Telecon Investor (1946-Present)
Success is an accident … well placed.
John M. Shanahan
Hooked on Phonics Creator
Purpose is not the sole pursuit of profits, but the animating force for achieving them.
Larry Fink
CEO, Black Rock, Inc.
Innovation often originates outside existing organizations, in part because successful organizations acquire a commitment to the status quo and a resistance to ideas that might change it.
Nathan Rosenberg
American Economist
Developers will fill the world with empty buildings – if you pay them to do it.
Jim Downs
Real Estate Guy
Entrepreneurs’ genius is the gold in the mine; angels are miners helping to extract it; VCs are claim jumpers.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
Angels who won’t conduct postmortems climb the ladder of success wrong by wrong.
John O. Huston
Legendary Angel Investor
I don’t know what the price is, but the price knows what the price is.
Erwin Kelen
Veteran Minneapolis Investor
Make no little plans.
Daniel H. Burnham
American Architect and Urban Designer
Feed the strong, starve the weak. Lead with your strength and avoid protecting the weak – weak brands, weak products and weak people. Know your strengths and lead with them.
Durk Jager
American Businessman
Objects have their own world. Making an object means imbuing it with its own spirit.
Kenji Ekuan
Japanese Industrial Designer (Kikkoman Soy Sauce Bottle)
The harder I work, the luckier I get!
Robert H.B. Baldwin
Chairman, Morgan Stanley
No amount of advertising can force any large number of people to buy things they do not want. Advertising can only create a new market for products which fill a genuine – though often unexpressed or latent – consumer want.
Howard Morgens
Charmain of the Board, The Procter & Gamble Company
The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
Nelson Henderson
Rugby Union International
A leader’s job is to have all the questions. You have to be incredibly comfortable looking like the dumbest person in the room.
Jack Welch
Chairman/CEO, GE
If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.
Albert Einstein
Theoretical Physicist: Developed the Theory of Relativity
No nationwas ever ruined by trade.
Benjamin Franklin
American Polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S.
Nobody cares about your product, service or solution. All they care about is the difference you can make for their organization.
Jill Konrath
Sales Strategist, Speaker and Author
If this is a blessing, it is certainly very well disguised.
Winston Churchill
English Statesman
The future is like a Japanese game show. You have no idea what’s going on.
Tracy Morgan as Tracy Jordan
“30 Rock” Character
The business of America, it turns out, is not business. It’s monetizing what is in our heads.
Stanley Bing
American Business Humorist and Novelist
A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.
Jane Austen
English Novelist
Be ready to revise any system, scrap any method, and abandon any theory, if the success of the job requires it.
Henry Ford
Business Magnate, Founder of Ford Motor Company
You don’t go broke making small profits.
Sandor Kelen
Whether individuals or organizations, we follow those who lead not because we have to, but because we want to. We follow those who lead not for them, but for ourselves.
Simon Sinek
Author, “Start With Why”


Lateral Capital
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